{2 minutes to read} Are you a business owner who has been running a business operating as an LLC and realizing that a corporate form of business might be more advantageous for your company? Hi. My name is Katherine Taylor. I'm the lawyer for business owners, and I'm going to explain to you one option if you're in that situation.
Under the laws of most states, an LLC can convert to a corporation, or a corporation can convert to an LLC, in a process called a statutory conversion. That is a list of procedures that you have to go through for the state to be able to approve that entity being formed as a different type of entity. Lately, because of investor preferences, and because of tax changes, we have seen a lot of LLCs wishing to convert to a corporate form of business. And again, that could be done statutorily under the laws of most states.
The thing to remember though is that you've got to understand the statute, and you have to follow the statute to the letter of the law. We here at Taylor Legal have assisted several owners in converting their companies from one form to another. We'd be happy to help you also. Check out the contact information on our website, www.taylorlegal.com.
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Suite 140
Columbia, MD21045
443-420-4075 (fax)
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