Taylor Legal Blog

Do I Need to Register My Company In Another State? [VIDEO]

Posted by Katherine L. Taylor, Attorney and CPA, Chief Problem SolverApr 26, 20210 Comments

Are you a business owner wondering whether you need to register your business to do business in a different state other than where your entity was formed? I'm going to give you a few tips as to when you definitely should register your business to do business in another state and a couple of situations where it's not so clear and you might want to consult somebody. 

Are Your Company's Website Terms Accurate?

Posted by Katherine L. Taylor, Attorney and CPA, Chief Problem SolverMar 22, 20210 Comments

Are you a business owner with a website for your business? Have you wondered whether the terms of use or the privacy policy on your website are sufficient? If so, you're not alone. I'm going to give you a few tips so you can figure out whether your terms of use and privacy policy are sufficient, or whether you might need some further assistance.

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