If you are registering an LLC or a corporation with your state corporation department, are you confused about the role of the “Organizer” and who that should be? I'm going to explain why you shouldn't have angst about that question.
Almost every state (Maryland included) requires articles of organization or incorporation to be filed by, and state the name of, the organizer of the company. Some people think that the organizer must be an officer or owner of the company, but it is simply the person who is responsible for filing the articles with the state and making sure they are accepted by the state.
In Maryland, and in most other states, the organizer can be any adult who resides in the state. After the entity is formed, in most states, that role becomes moot. That person is still listed as the organizer, but that person has no further role, no further obligations, and most importantly, no liability.
Who should you name as the organizer? Usually, the owner of a small business acts as the organizer. However, for various reasons, some owners do not want to be named on the articles because in many states that information is shown online. In that case, you can choose another person who is a responsible adult who lives in the state. That person does not need any credentials or experience and does not need to be associated with the company being organized.
5850 Waterloo Rd
Suite 140
Columbia, MD21045
443-420-4075 (fax)
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